Message from the New Life Executive Team
Hi Church,
After considerable prayer and deliberation, we have decided to suspend all “in person services” and meet online until further notice. You are encouraged to join us Sunday mornings at 10am by going to our website home page and clicking the button labeled “This Week’s Sermon”.
This past week has been filled with changes, restrictions, confusions, maybe some frustrations, and even fear. With the spread of the new Coronavirus every aspect of life as we know it is being changed and thrown out of rhythm. Schools are closed, churches are not meeting in person, and the government is encouraging people to stay at home whenever possible.
We want you know that social distancing from others does not have to mean spiritual distancing from God. Maybe right now God is forcing you to slow down and focus on Him, instead of all the other distractions of your everyday life. We want to give you a couple of ways that you can stay connected to God, our ministries, and our church as a whole during this time.
The first thing we want to challenge you to do is spend time daily in God’s word and in prayer. You can spend all of your free time on other things, or you can devote some of your free time back to God. How powerful would it be if every single one of us, every single day, are reading passages of scripture and sharing in God’s word with one another.
You will want to keep up with us on our website,, or on Facebook, for all of the latest updates and information. We invite you to join our online church service every Sunday at 10am for worship and Pastor Brian’s message. We don’t know how long this season is going to last, but we do know that God is in control. You may never have this chance again to have as much free time as you do right now, lets use it to grow closer to God together.
We are working hard as a team to serve you well. Please remember that perfect peace is a promise for those whose mind is focused on the Lord. Be anxious for nothing, “fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8) Use this time to love your neighbors and your family well. Use this time to pray together, spend time together, and look for the good in everything. Remind yourself to come to God each day with a heart of gratitude. The Holy Spirit is your Comforter, your Counselor, your very present help in a time of trouble.
Church we love you, we are praying for you, and we will be praying for you daily.
NLC Executive Team
“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27 NLT
Message from pastor brian
Dear New Life Church family,
After considerable prayer and deliberation we have decided to suspend all “in person services” and meet online and virtually until further notice.
You are encouraged to join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM by going to our website at You will be prompted to click a message button on the front page that will allow you to video worship with us. It’s that easy. Please pass the word on and invite others to tune in.
You will also be receiving calls from myself and our executive team on a regular basis to check in with you, pray with you, and encourage you in your spiritual journey. Our food pantry is available to anyone who needs assistance. Please contact Brian and Angie Story for any needs with food. Brian: (269)-266-2424 Angie: (269)-207-2590
We are also establishing an online virtual discipleship class that will be available each Wednesday at 6 PM. Rob Babler will continue to walk us through the Word of God. We will advise you when that is up and ready to go. We encourage everyone in our faith community to check in on one another regularly and to pray for our church and for the country. This is the time for the people of God to be the church.
There are three ways to continue to give at NLC and we ask that you remain faithful as we are dependent upon your generous support.
PayPal giving can be accessed from our webpage or by using this link.
Mail in your support to New Life Church 3265 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Joseph, Mi. 49085
Drop off your tithe at the church in person by calling Stacey Ziemke at (269)-325-5693
I will be available throughout the week to pray with you or assist you in any way I can. Pastor: (269)-930-1635
One final thing. God is still on his throne. 2 Timothy 1:7 says this, for God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline. (NLT) God is not surprised at the events that have transpired in our world. He knew this was coming from the beginning and he has a plan. And although his ways are mysterious, that plan is being carried out. And we can rest in hope and assurance knowing that we are cradled in the arms of a loving God.
Do not lose touch with one another. Call one another regularly. Check in on the welfare of each other constantly. Pray for each other unceasingly. Worship with us at every opportunity. There is a silver lining in all of this and God is using it to advance his Kingdom. LET’S BE THE CHURCH.
I will see you online Sunday morning at 10 AM. Praise God.
Pastor Brian